Friday, November 11, 2011

It's a . . .

We are excited to announce that Baby Gyves is a boy!  We had our 20 week anatomy/growth ultrasound last week.  Most importantly, we learned that everything looks great from a developmental/medical perspective ("textbook" they said) which is a huge relief.  They also asked if we wanted to know the gender and instead of finding out during the appointment we had the tech put it in an envelope for us to open on our own later.  We were glad that we had decided to find out, though, because both of us left the appointment pretty sure we knew the answer.  Our suspicions were confirmed later that night when we opened the envelope!  (It turns out that, given the ultrasound technology these days, it would be pretty hard NOT to find out unless you just didn't watch the ultrasound at all -- and that would be no fun at all because it's pretty awesome!)  Anyway, we were very excited to find out that we will be welcoming a little boy in March.  It makes things even more exciting and real!  I started buying adorable little boy outfits almost immediately but I'm going to *try* to exercise more restraint over the next few months.  Seriously, though, how cute are these:

We also just wanted to thank everyone for your congratulations and well wishes about our news.  We are really excited and it means a lot to us that so many people are excited for us!  Thanks again!


  1. Fairly certain that exercising restraint is not something that I will be doing between now and March. I cannot wait to meet my nephew :)

  2. Extremely cute baby clothes! Congratulations again!

  3. Congratulations!!! Melissa shared your blog with me, I'm SO excited to read about your pregnancy journey!! Love the clothes too!! Let me know if you have ANY questions at all!! :) -- Kendra

  4. Boys make the best babies (and grown men)!
